Kinematic Self-Replicating Machines

© 2004 Robert A. Freitas Jr. and Ralph C. Merkle. All Rights Reserved.

Robert A. Freitas Jr., Ralph C. Merkle, Kinematic Self-Replicating Machines, Landes Bioscience, Georgetown, TX, 2004.


References 400-499

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463. Chris Adami, C. Titus Brown, “Evolutionary learning in the 2-D artificial life system ‘Avida’,” in R. Brooks, P. Maes, eds., Artificial Life IV, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1994, pp. 377-381; See also: “Avida Software,” Digital Life Laboratory;

464. Larry Yaeger, “Computational genetics, physiology, metabolism, neural systems, learning, vision and behavior or poly-world: Life in a new context,” in C.G. Langton, ed., Artificial Life III, Volume XVII of Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, Addison-Wesley, New York, 1994, pp. 263-298.

465. Lawrence Bull, Terence C. Fogarty, “Artificial symbiogenesis,” Artificial Life 2(Spring 1995):269-292.

466. David B. Fogel, Evolutionary Computation: Toward a new philosophy of machine intelligence, IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ, 1995.

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468. A.N. Pargellis, “The spontaneous generation of digital ‘life’,” Physica D 91(1996):86-96; A.N. Pargellis, “The evolution of self-replicating computer organisms,” Physica D 98(1996):111-127. See also: Toby Howard, “Soup opera,” Personal Computer World Magazine, August 1996;

469. Mark A. Bedau, Emile Snyder, C. Titus Brown, Norman H. Packard, “A comparison of evolutionary activity in artificial evolving systems and in the biosphere,” in P. Husbands, I. Harvey, eds., Fourth European Conference on Artificial Life, MIT Press/Bradford Books, 1997, pp. 124-134.

470. Florent de Dinechin, “Self-replication in a 2-D von Neumann architecture,” in P. Husbands, I. Harvey, eds., Fourth European Conference on Artificial Life, MIT Press/Bradford Books, 1997, pp. 560-565.

471. David B. Fogel, ed., Evolutionary Computation: The Fossil Record, IEEE Press, New York, 1998.

472. Ariel Dolan, The New Artificial Life (Alife) Database;

473. Christoph Adami, Introduction to Artificial Life, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1998.

474. Karl Sims, “Evolving virtual creatures,” Siggraph ‘94 Proceedings, July 1994, pp.15-22;

475. Karl Sims, “Evolving 3-D morphology and behavior by competition,” in R. Brooks, P. Maes, eds., Artificial Life IV: Proceedings Fourth Intl. Workshop on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1994, pp. 28-39;

476. Maciej Komosinski, Szymon Ulatowski, “FRAMSTICKS. Artificial Life for real people,” Poznan University of Technology;

477. Steven Levy, Artificial Life, Vintage Books/Random House, New York, 1992, pp. 34-42.

478. Claus Emmeche, The Garden in the Machine: The Emerging Science of Artificial Life, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1994. See also: C. Emmeche, “Life as an abstract phenomenon: Is Artificial Life possible?” in F. Varela, P. Bourgine, eds., Toward a Practice of Autonomous Systems, Proc. First European Conf. on Artificial Life, MIT Press, 1992.

479. Norman H. Packard, Mark A. Bedau, “Artificial life,” in Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, Macmillan, New York, 2000, pp. 209-215;

480. S. Rasmussen, “Bridging nonliving and living matter,” Paper S5-1, Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 7th ‘02);

481. Arnold Smith, Peter Turney, Robert Ewaschuk, “Self-replicating machines in continuous space with virtual physics,” Artificial Life 9(Winter 2003):21-40; (abstract) and (paper) or (NRC-44969 paper); Arnold Smith, Peter Turney, Robert Ewaschuk, “JohnnyVon: Self-replicating automata in continuous two-dimensional space,” NRC Technical Report ERB-1099, National Research Council of Canada, 2002; or See also: “JohnnyVon: Self-Replicating Automata in Continuous Two-Dimensional Space,”; JohnnyVon source code, Java applet and movies available at; Kimberly Patch, “Virtual DNA replicates,” Technology Research News, 26 February 2003;; and Mike Martin, “Machines that reproduce may be reality,” NewsFactor Network, 10 July 2003;

482. G. Yedid, G. Bell, “Macroevolution simulated with autonomously replicating computer programs,” Nature 420(19-26 December 2002):810-2, 756-757 (comment).

483. Steven Levy, Artificial Life, Vintage Books/Random House, New York, 1992.

484. Mark Ward, Virtual Organisms: The Startling World of Artificial Life, St. Martin’s Press, 2000.

485. Peter Bentley, Digital Biology, Simon and Schuster, New York, 2002.

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488. Allen Lundell, Virus! The Secret World of Computer Invaders That Breed and Destroy, Contemporary Books, Chicago, 1989.

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491. Lance J. Hoffman, ed., Rogue Programs: Viruses, Worms, and Trojan Horses, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1990.

492. David J. Stang, Computer Viruses, Second Edition, National Computer Security Association, Washington DC, 1990.

493. Eugene H. Spafford, “Computer viruses – a form of artificial life?” in C.G. Langton, C. Taylor, J.D. Farmer, S. Rasmussen, eds., Artificial Life II, Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, Volume X, Addison-Wesley, Redwood City, CA, 1992, pp. 727-745.

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499. M. Gell-Mann, S. Lloyd, “Information measures, effective complexity and total information,” Complexity 2(1996):44-52; M. Gell-Mann, “What is complexity?” Complexity 1(1995):16-19.


Last updated on 1 August 2005